
Our developer team has diligently developed this tool to ensure accuracy and efficient data transfer. It is advisable to read all the documentation and conditions carefully before purchasing our product. In case of dissatisfaction, compromise of data, or poor data transfer, we are not and won’t be held responsible.

It is further agreed that during the process of data conversion or downloading our website doesn’t ensure virus and infection-free data. We do recommend using your anti-virus software. Any sort of damage or loss while using our tool won’t make us liable and will not pay any compensation. 

Our organization understands the value of personal data and we don’t indulge in trading or selling of our client data. But signing in and using our tool means we have the full right to keep a record of your credentials such as name, email, gender, occupation, location, etc.

These credentials are later on used to communicate with you digitally for marketing, promotion, discounts, and provide information related to guidelines. If you wish to not receive such emails you can simply unsubscribe our emails. 

The entire content including images, text, graphics, PNG, demo clips, or videos is our property and legally copyrighted. Every information contained on the website is for knowledge purposes for better understanding you can try our free version or contact our support team.