Top-Rated Professional OST to PST Tool for Effortless Conversion

Converting email data manually is a tedious job, don’t worry our user-friendly migrating tool got you covered. Flawlessly convert existing OST files to PST and retrieve corrupted OST files just with a few clicks.

Experience the expeditious way and unparalleled accuracy of extracting large amounts of data. With customizable and advanced search options get precise and relevant data without any struggle.

Demo: Process the first 25 items per folder for free.
What’s New
  • Easily imports multiple and large-sized OST files.
  • Get access to corrupted or deleted OST files.
  • Migrate OST files to Gmail.
  • Easily find emails using keywords and other search parameters.
Try Our Free Version

Download our free trial version and save 25 items per folder

  • Access the corrupted OST files and convert them into PST, HTML, DOC, TXT, PDF, etc.
  • Export OST data to Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and IMAP servers.
  • Split PST according to file size.

With our extensive OST to PST conversion tool get your hands on:

  • Recover and access OST data to export into Live Exchange, Server, IBM Domino, Gmail, and Yahoo.
  • Convert one OST file at a time or in bulk into PDF, HTML, TXT, and a lot more.
  • Simplifies OST to Microsoft 365 connection for seamless export.
  • Find specific OST data using a search parameter by entering keywords such as Sender’s name, Subject, Message, and Date.
What Can Be Migrated?
Email Data

With OST to PST converter extract all the email data present. Which includes From, To, Cc, Bcc, etc.


Don’t worry about misplacing the attached file. Our tool extracts all sorts of attached files including PDF, Word, Excel, PPT, and so on.


Extract all kinds of folders in OST. Such as Inbox, Draft, Sent, Spam, Outbox, and Deleted items.


OST to PST conversion allows to convert Outlook contacts into CSV file format. That includes Phone Number, Email, Location, Address, and so on.


Migrate the calendar data with the original time and date. The data consists of Meetings, Appointments, Events, Tasks, and Reminders.

Data Recovery Software for a complex world.

Download our free trial version and save 25 items per folder.

Free Download
Core Capabilities

With our tool we get a complete overview of recovered OST files.

Recover Deleted Data

With advanced programming, recover the deleted OST files and all the attachments with it.

Advanced Filter

The advanced filter feature allows you to filter the specific mail you need based on date, To, From, Subject, and so on.

Graphical Report

After migrating OST to PST, get the graphical representation of the total files with the analysis report feature.

Maintains Mail Hierarchy

Seamlessly migrate the data without disrupting the hierarchy.

Repair Corrupted Files

Access the deleted or corrupted OST files and repair it before converting them into PST.

OST to PST Migration Process

Our tool offers a straightforward process to convert the files, just follow the given steps below.

  1. After downloading and installing the software select your OST file. 
  2. The tool will scan and retrieve all the OST files. 
  3. Once all the files have been retrieved, choose the files that you want to convert with the preview feature and click save. 
  4. Choose PST and then select the file destination where you want to save.
  5. You can also add various filter options, and select them as per your requirements. 
  6. Conversion may take up to some time, once the process is done the pop-up will be displayed. 
Client’s Feedback

Here’s what our clients feel after using our software.

our reviews

“Excellent service by Datarecovee and the conversion process from MBOX and OST to PST was quite accurate and done at minimal cost.”

Abisha Joseph
our review

“I could still access my 20+ GB of Outlook PST files, but they were stored on a hard drive that was beginning to fail due to some issue. I was unable to move the PST files to another location or create a clone. After the recovery procedure, Datarecovee allowed me to keep using my mail file.”

Matthew Agar
Celina Paul

“Outlook was incapable of recovering my data in a systematic manner and its always painful to do so. Your application greatly helped me out since it found the solution to my issue. Regards and appreciation”

Celina Paul
Suboth Mehra

“I’ve been managing a bulk of mail data and always worry about what would happen if my hard disk crashed and I lost tons of important emails. To be very honest, I’m just appreciative that I have a tool like this that converts data so quickly and precisely. I appreciate your wonderful product.”

Suboth Mehra
Embracing Our Email Migration Software

MS Outlook caters to the requirements of both business organizations and personal individuals. Many companies want to export their OST data to Live Exchange for various reasons. 

With our automated tool tap into seamless data transfer and retrieve corrupted and deleted data as well. Advanced filters and search options make your operations more efficient and effective. 

Streamline your OST file search process and save the data in Outlook PST, Exchange Server/Office 365

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can I filter which files I want to convert to PST?

Ans. Yes, with our advanced filter option, you can choose selected OST files to convert based on To, From, Cc, Bcc, etc.

Q2. Does it affect my data after conversion?

Ans. No, your data will be left unaffected, it also won’t even affect the read/unread status of your mail.

Q3. How much time it takes to complete the conversion?

Ans. It depends on the size of the OST file and your system configuration. Our tool programming ensures the task is wrapped as quickly as possible.

Q4. What is the difference between the free and paid version of the software?

Ans. The free version allows you to save the first 25 items in the folder.

Q5. Does this software support recovering deleted OST files?

Ans. Yes, you can recover deleted OST files.